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Creating Events

Events are files containing an event function. They must be prefixed with export default in order to be loaded automatically.

import { event } from 'jellycommands';

export default event({
    name: 'ready',
    run: () => {
        // Do something with event

You can view a list of all the event options here


When an event is invoked, the event's run function is called. This is where your custom event logic lives.

The first variable provided by an event's run function will always be context. Additional, event-specific variables are listed on the events section of the client page.

For example, the channelUpdate event docs show that channelUpdate provides the oldChannel and newChannel variables:

channelUpdate docs page screenshot

We can access these variables like so:

import { event } from 'jellycommands';

export default event({
    name: 'channelUpdate',
    run: (context, oldChannel, newChannel) => {
        // Do something with event


The context object has the following properties:

client JellyCommands

The client used by the command.

props Props

Your project's props.

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