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Creating Commands

Commands are files containing a command function. They must be prefixed with export default in order to be loaded automatically.

When a command is invoked, the command's run function is called. This is where your custom command logic lives.


This function is called everytime your command is, the main property you need is interaction which contains all the interaction information. There are a few additional properties listed below:

export default command({
    run: ({ interaction, client, props }) => {
        // Do something


The chat input command interaction data.

client JellyCommands

The client used by the command.

props Props

Your project's props.

Command Types

The 3 types of commands are command (for slash commands), messageCommand, and userCommand.

See core options for all of the ways you can configure your commands.

Slash Commands

Slash commands use the command helper. Unlike the others, they accept description and descriptionLocalizations options.

import { command } from 'jellycommands';

export default command({
    name: 'Command Name',
    description: 'A short description of what the command does',
    run: ({ interaction }) => {
        // Do something with interaction

See the options for command functions here.

Message Commands

Message commands appear in context menus when a user right-clicks a message. They use the messageCommand helper.

import { messageCommand } from 'jellycommands';

export default messageCommand({
    name: 'Command Name',
    run: ({ interaction }) => {
        // Do something with interaction

See the options for messageCommand functions here.

User Commands

User commands appear as context menus when right-clicking a user. They use the userCommand helper.

import { userCommand } from 'jellycommands';

export default userCommand({
    name: 'Command Name',
    run: ({ interaction }) => {
        // Do something with interaction

See the options for userCommand functions here.

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