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Slash Command Extras

Slash Commands have some unique features unlike messageCommand and userCommand.


Slash commands can take options. These could be variables like strings, numbers, or even channels. JellyCommands uses discord.js's system to provide a nice API on top.

See all available options.

Providing Options

You can provide options with the options property.

import { command } from 'jellycommands';

export default command({
    name: 'Command Name',
    description: 'A short description of what the command does',
    options: [
            type: 'Channel',
            name: 'channel',
            description: 'Channel to send a message into',
            required: true,

    run: ({ interaction }) => {
        // We set the second argument to true as this option is marked as required 
        const channel = interaction.options.getChannel('channel', true);

        // We can then use this channel!

Unlike the discord.js built in options, you can provide the option type as a string. If you prefer, however, you can provide it as an enum.

import { ApplicationCommandOptionType } from 'discord.js';
import { command } from 'jellycommands';

export default command({
    options: [
            type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel,
            name: 'channel',
            description: 'Channel to send a message into',
            required: true,


Some Slash Command Options support the autocomplete property. When set to true, you can use the autocomplete handler.

For example, let's write a command that returns a color and provides autocomplete on the color names:

import { command } from 'jellycommands';

const colors = [

export default command({
    name: 'rainbow',
    description: 'send a rainbow',

    global: true,

    options: [
            type: 'String',
            name: 'color',
            description: 'The color of the thing idk',
            required: true,
            // Enable autocomplete
            autocomplete: true,

    run: ({ interaction }) => {
        interaction.reply(interaction.options.getString('color', true))

    autocomplete: async ({ interaction }) => {
        // Get the name of the option that is being autocompleted
        const focused = interaction.options.getFocused(true);

        if ( === 'color') {
            // Respond with 3 colours that match the current string
                    .filter((color) => color.startsWith(focused.value))
                    .map((color) => ({ name: color, value: color }))
                    .slice(0, 3),

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